How to use your crystal tag!

Follow these three steps to ensure that you get the most out of your tag!

How it works

Crystal healing uses the different energetic frequencies of each crystal to balance your internal energy. Our energies are separated into seven chakras, the Crown chakra, Third Eye chakra, Throat chakra, Heart chakra, Solar Plexus chakra, Sacral chakra, and Root chakra. Different crystals hold different energies that target our chakras to maintain inner balance and inner peace.

The step by step

  1. Charge your crystal!

  • The best time to charge your crystals is in the full moon! If you miss the full moon don’t worry, you can still set your crystals out as this energy lasts for another 72 hours afterwards.

  • Some other cleansing methods include smudging with sage, sound cleansing, cleansing with selenite, etc. To prevent yellowing, do not leave your tags in direct sunlight.

2. Set your intention!

  • It is SO important to reset your intention each time your crystals are recharged. Setting your intention gives the universe a clearer direction, this lets the crystals know how they are going to serve you and your pet.

  • To set your intention, hold your charged tag in your hands and literally speak to it. Tell your tag how it will serve your pet, for example if you want your Amethyst tag to reduce separation anxiety, tell the tag that it is here to protect (your pet’s name) from anxieties related to being separated from one another.

3. Thank your tag!

  • Before putting your tag back on your pooch, make sure that you are thanking the crystals and the universe for serving you and your pet!

  • You must give to the universe to receive from the universe, giving thanks is the best way to ensure that your pet is receiving the most out of their tag.

“The crystals we are drawn to most are the ones we need for healing.”